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2019-11-12 10:40  




o   2009年,江西省高校科技成果奖,三等奖

o   2011年,江西省高校科技成果奖,三等奖

o   2013年,江西省高校科技成果奖,一等奖


Ø  研究领域:

o   石墨烯及拓扑绝缘体二维纳米材料的制备及其光电特性研究,稀土发光纳米材料的制备及应用,超薄二维氧化铈纳米材料的可控合成及催化研究。


Ø  科研项目:

o   国家自然科学基金,21463014,单分散二维氧化铈纳米()材料的可控合成、催化性能及形貌/晶面效应研究,核心参与人。

o   国家教育部科学技术研究重点项目,单分散高质量CeO2超薄纳米片的可控合成与性能研究,核心参与人。

o   江西省教育厅科技项目,赣教技字[2007]330号,双波长LD泵浦下Nd:YAG上转换激光特性研究,核心参与人。

o   江西省教育厅科技项目,GJJ09601,表面对纳米微粒中稀土离子光谱性质的影响研究,核心参与人。

o   江西省教育厅教改课题,JXJG-09-17-20,趣味物理演示实验多媒体视频教学资源的建设与实践,主持。

o   江西省教育厅教改课题,JXJG-08-17-37,《大学物理》双语教学课程建设的研究与实践,核心参与人。

Ø  论文发表:

o   Materials LettersMaterials, Journal of Alloys and CompoundsOptik等国际重要刊物上发表SCI 论文6篇。协助培养博士研究生3名,硕士研究生2名。


1. Wu, Xinghua, Qingkai Wang, Yanyan Guo, Dianyuan Wang, Yongqian Wang, and Dawei Meng. "Synthesis of ultrathin topological insulator Bi 2 Te 3 nanosheets as an optical media for the generation of ring-shaped beams."Materials Letters 159 (2015): 80-83.

2. Wu, Xinghua, Chao Tan, Qingkai Wang, Yanyan Guo, Dianyuan Wang, Yongqian Wang, and Dawei Meng. "Solution Growth of Two-Dimensional Bi2Se3 Nanosheets for Two-Color All-Optical Switching" Materials (2017), 10, 1332.

3. Qingkai Wang, Wang Dianyuan, Guo Yanyan, Wu Xinghua, Chang Zhangyong, and Luo Jianglong. "Combustion Synthesis and Photoluminescence of Y2Zr2O7: Tb3+ Nano-Phosphors." Rare Metal Materials and Engineering 38, no. 12 (2009): 2250-2252.

4. Yanyan, Guo, Wu Xinghua, Wang Dianyuan, Chang Zhangyong, Wang Jinliang, Wang Qingkai, and Zhang Yuxia. "Upconversion Emission in Rare Earth-Doped Gd2Ti2O7 Excited by 980 nm Laser Diode [J]." Journal of the Chinese Rare Earth Society 6 (2009): 004.

5. Guo, Yanyan, Dianyuan Wang, Xinghua Wu, Qingkai Wang, and Yong He. "Novel fabrication, microstructure and upconversion photoluminescence properties of Tm3+, Yb3+ co-doped Y2O3 translucent ceramics." Journal of Alloys and Compounds 688 (2016): 816-819.

6. Dai, Xiaoyu, Qingkai Wang, and Xinghua Wu. "Omnidirectional and controllable switching behavior in a multiple photonic quantum well system with single-negative material heterostructure." Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 123, no. 13 (2012): 1157-1160.

7. Zhao Lu, Donglei Xie, Xinghua Wu, Xiaoyu Dai, Yuanjiang Xiang. "Role of the Linear Losses and Nonlinear Magnetic Susceptibility in the Modulational Instability in Nonlinear Metamaterials."Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials 22.02 (2013): 1350020.

8. Dianyuan Wang; Yanyan Guo; Xinghua Wu; Yuxia Zhang. "Green, orange, and red upconversion luminescence in Nd 3+/Yb 3+: Cs 2 NaGdCl 6 powders under 785 nm laser excitation." Journal of Rare Earths 26.6 (2008): 880-882.




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